phillip island circuit go karts, ventnor

Become a race-car driver for the day and zoom around a miniature replica of Phillip Island’s Grand Prix track!

These go-karts are seriously good fun AND WOW can they get some speed up!
Mamma’s crew averaged a whopping 35kmh and recorded speeds of up to 60km in one lap; pretty fast for a tandem go-kart! That’s the best bit. Kids get to experience this fun, too. Ages 5 to 12 can travel in a tandem go kart (which includes two active steering wheels so they can have a go!)

The track is 750m long with smooth curves and a fast straight. You can choose to spend 10 minutes (averaging around 10 laps) 20 or 30 minutes. Mamma thinks 10 minutes is plenty of time for little ones but Mamma likes the longer rides….

The views are absolutely amazing, which just adds to the thrill of the experience.
Mamma says this is a highly recommended adventure to checkout for any little (or big) speed demons out there!

Mamma's special mention:
For more family fun around Phillip Island - click here.

the nitty gritty

10/20/30 minute sessions.

Ages 5 - 12 can ride tandem
12+ can ride independently

Wanna know more? Click HERE for more info and pricing